Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Picture #013: Mithos & Yggdrasill (Tales of Symphonia)

Medium: Prismacolor colored pencils (Softcore & Verithin)

Tales of Symphonia and its characters belong to Bandai Namco and etc...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mini Sculpture #001: Flower Fairy and Ramblings

Medium: Polymer Clay (Sculpey III brand)

Originally, the mushroom wasn't there but I found when I tried to make the fairy stand on her own, she fell over so I added the mushroom to support her. The inside of the flower is supported by a paper clip. Yes, a paper clip.

See, back when I made the dolphin mini sculpture, I realized in the process of making it that I needed something to support its weight. All I had in terms of wire was jewelery wire which isn't very flexible or strong. So, without much other options, I turned to the metal paper clips I happened to have on hand. And it worked great.

I used the last of my Scupley glaze on my previous creation so I had to start with Triple Thick that I have heard so many people recommend over the internet. Now, I had not intended to buy Triple Thick but at the time I went to Hobby Lobby they were out of the Scupley glaze (though, they ironically had it by the time of my next visit) and I was close to running out of glaze.

True to its name, it is thick and it makes my clay creations shine a little more. My only complaints is that it can get sticky in some places and occassionally when it dries it doesn't even out properly leaving a glaze zit.


A while back, Hobby Lobby had clay on sale (30% off and I was saddened when I looked the following week at Michael's ads which had clay 4 for $5) so I bought a bunch of Premo to go with the White Translucent Premo clay I had bought previously (because I wanted to try working with translucent clay).

I got the 18K Gold, Red Translucent, Green Translucent, and Blue Translucent with the hopes of attempting to make the three spirtual stones from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Also, I bought glow in the dark Fimo for the glow in dark effect and to compare Fimo with Sculpey.

I must say that I like the softness of Scupley III and Premo, though the Original Scupley that I use for chibis is hard until it is conditioned.