Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Picture # 002: "Birthday Dino"

Medium: Microsoft Paint
Coworker D's reaction: "Is that dragon vomiting its birthday cake?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Picture # 001 : "Hello Friend"

Welcome to my newly started blog!
The main purpose of this blog is to display my horrible art in hopes in making others laugh out loud (or cringe in fear). 
I enjoy doodling pictures in my spare time even though I am horrible at drawing and have no formal training beyond art class in elementary school (yeah for fingerpainting and origami). Most of my pictures are just bursts of randomness but some have weird stories attached to them.
I show these pictures to my coworkers and receive funny reactions, which I will try to post with each picture.
Additionally, I have made fanart for Dr. Carm's Medical Page (which can be viewed here). Dr. Carm will also be revamping her blog in the near future with a new layout that will showcase a lot of fanart drawn by me.
Medium: Microsoft Paint

Coworker D's Reaction: "The Jolly Green Giant attacked the cranky red dumb***"
Coworker M's Reaction: "Giant green sausage attacks a small boy with sausage hair"